Monday, January 18, 2016

Too Many

"Too many!"  James shouted, and slammed the door behind him.

"What?" said Will.

"Too many kids in the family, that's what.  Just too many."  James stood fuming on the landing like a small angry locomotive, then stumped across to the window-seat and stare out at the garden.  Will put aside his book and pulled up his legs to make room.  "I could hear all the yelling," he said, chin on knees.

"Wasn't anything," James said.  "Just stupid Barbara again.  Bossing.  Pick up this, don't touch that.  And Mary joining in, twitter twitter twitter.  You'd think this house was big enough, but there's always people."
The Dark is Rising, Susan Cooper

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Love this especially that last line. I'm going to use that one - you'd think this house was big enough but there's always people! Exactly!!!
