Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Time for a Break

With Memorial Day past and "official" summer only a couple of weeks away, we've been seizing every moment of freedom.

There's a local pool a stone's throw from our house (so close that most days the boys have just walked home), and 7 of the past 9 days have found us in the water.

 It's hard to believe that a few years ago Stephen wouldn't touch the water.  He's a daredevil now!

I'm hoping that a few more weeks days weeks of practice will make Jonathan more comfortable, too. 

The girls are both like fish - happy, happy, happy in the water.  And maybe just a little too confident in their abilities.

I let Josie take off her Puddle Jumper to practice floating a bit (me holding her).  We got halfway across the pool and I looked up to find Katherine climbing into the pool without hers, too (the little houdini was able to slip out of it without unbuckling the clip).  Don't take your eyes off your kids!

 In a little over a week, we more than paid for our summer membership, but all good things must come to an end...at least for a bit. 

The combination of activity, late nights and extreme heat has taken it's toll.  I should have known something was wrong when no one was up at 6:45 this morning (they slept in until 7 am - gasp!), and by the afternoon the kids were such a wreck that half of the crew ended up napping from 2-5!

So the pool will have to wait a couple of days while we rest and recoup. 

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