Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday Summer Picnics

Last summer our church started having family picnics every other Sunday evening.  

Each time a different family would host, opening their home - well, mostly their yard - to the rest of the church. 

This week was quite a treat - 150 acres of God's creation - water & woods, grass & garden, chickens & fish.

We didn't catch any fish but the boys absolutely loved canoeing.  As he pulled ashore, Jonathan said, "Are you proud of me?!"  Yes, I am, buddy!

The girls were delighted with the chickens.  Katherine kept following around the chickens saying, "Here cock-a-doodle doo!  I want to hold you cock-a-doodle doo!"  She continues to talk about climbing into the chicken "cave."

I came home determined to get some chickens of our own since I'm continuing to plan more gardens and outdoor spaces for our yard.  My bubble was burst when I realized it's not actually legal to have feathered friends in the city limits.  Boo :(

It was good to just visit with friends and continue to build relationships, but it was such a blessing to do it in such a lovely setting.

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