Saturday, November 1, 2014

Trick-or-Treat 2014

Pumpkin carving and candy.

The kids frantic excitement rivaled that of Christmas Eve.  Here are this year's costumes:

Andrew recycled his Ninja costume from last year.

 Stephen built his robot suit from liquor store castoffs.

Matthew wanted to be George Washington so we altered a thrift store shirt with trim, fringe and gold buttons.  I think he only removes it to sleep.

Josie changed her costume several times from ladybug to butterfly until when we finally left the house she was a hodge podge of several things covered up with a winter coat.

And last, but not least....

"Port-o-John" - ever so appropriate for this guy!

Despite the frigid temps, they trekked pretty far and brought home their loot,

stuffing themselves silly before hitting the sack.


  1. Hahaha! You did not send your son out dressed as a potty!!!!! Hilarious!!
