Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

While there is proof of at least one Easter spent with my paternal grandparents,

all my memories are from Easters spent at Her-too's, my mom's mom.

She would save her large, decorative margarine tubs, dutifully stuff in plastic grass, and fill with all kinds of treats.  The night before (if I happened to slip out of bed) they could be found sitting atop the chest freezer just off the kitchen waiting to be presented on Easter morning.

I'm sure there was ham for lunch, probably scalloped potato casserole, a big pot of green beans (we always had potatoes and green beans) and a jello salad of some variety.  She claimed her kitchen "wasn't big enough to skin a cat" but she always managed to cook up a feast.

The star of the show was her coconut cake.  It was a round layered cake (double or triple, yellow or white?) with 7 minute frosting and a dusting of coconut.  But on top, there was always a little nest made of colored coconut with a few jelly beans and a couple of Peeps carefully watching.  I don't really like jelly beans and can't stand Peeps, but I was always excited when Her-too's cake appeared.

There were new dresses and egg hunts and a service at the local Baptist church complete with a stirring rendition of "Up From the Grave."

This year is a little different.  After a rampant strain of strep invaded the house, we decided to split up.  Doug is gone to his parents with the big boys and Josie in tow.  The little guys and I have stayed put.

I bought a ham and asparagus and sweet potatoes and jello, but there is little enthusiasm for cooking for two guys who don't have much appetite these days.  We didn't dye eggs and I have no plastic ones;  there are no jelly beans or Peeps (although a neighbor did provide a basket of sweets).  It's even rainy.

While these things are sweet and fun and real, their absence doesn't change the real Easter. 

"Death is dead, love has won, Christ has conquered...for He lives, Christ is risen from the dead."

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