Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Birthday Celebration

The wild hair at birth should have been some indication of this kid's personality.  

The hair has tamed to slightly unruly curls, and I suppose the same could be said for the boy
(depending on the day, of course).

Being only 2, he was a little clueless about the happenings, but he quickly caught onto the siblings' excitement.  They were all sure he wouldn't know how to open presents and therefore remained on standby should he need any help.

Apparently Matthew thought Jonathan must have been a little exhausted after the first one and took over.

 Um, just a reminder: it's Jonathan's birthday.

Eventually, the others walked off with various opened gifts and Jonathan got to finish unassisted. 

While I was engrossed in decorating the birthday cake (a lovely carrot cake!),
a certain two-year-old grabbed a fork from the drawer and helped himself. 

We sang and he blew out candles,

and I marveled at just how quickly these childhood days fly by.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

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