Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Afternoon

What a beautiful fall afternoon!

The night before I had remarked that I wished it were just a bit cooler (after a wave of days in the 80s), and so it was - 70 and sunny!  I shooed the kids outside so I could tackle a few things around the house.

Matthew discovered theses duds in a box of clothes for Josie and immediately claimed them.
As for the shoes, "I'm going to wear them when it gets cold." 

Meanwhile, the others played outside, Stephen making dirt grenades.

Matthew joined them sans his new wardrobe.

Jonathan always asks to go out and always heads for the same spot.
Needless to say, there have been lots of baths lately.

But where, oh where, is Andrew?

I discovered him in the garage...

on the lawnmower...

reading a book.

At least the doors were open and he was exposed to fresh air.

1 comment:

  1. Haha!!! I think Andrew's book is thicker than my current read. love it!
