Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Off Track

"Falling back" is a sick joke for parents of small children.  If anyone were to need an extra hour of sleep, it would be us; but in my experience, this time change only wreaks havoc on our well-tuned routines.

The upside of waking at 5 am is that you can cram a lot into a morning.  Breakfast & dressing & brushing of teeth all before 7:00 means that school can begin shortly thereafter which in turn means being done about the time one would normally start.  No mid-morning snack needed; the kids were asking for lunch at 9:30.


  1. This is the scariest post EVER!

  2. Gabe needs to come to your house to live he's been getting up at 5:15 all week. Thankfully, I don't have to get up with him. He just tells Nae goodbye and builds with his Legos until the rest of us arise.
