Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick-or-Treat 2016

October 31 was a sweet day for our family.

Earlier in the month the kids started tallking about costumes, and three wanted to be vending machines.  I wasn't too thrilled about having three large boxes hanging about so I suggested that they all choose a particular candy.  They agreed (with the requirement that I buy them that particular candy/treat).

Our neighbor then mentioned that she was making matching costumes for all five of their family, and I thought, "Well, I can't let her show us up!"  The challenge was on to come up with something for Doug and I to wear as well.

I jokingly told Doug that it will go down as the year that I stayed home from church to make Halloween costumes.  It's true, but only because we were all battling a really bad cold.  I actually ended up taking Andrew to a walk-in clinic Sunday morning (with one craft project in my bag!).

Here's the run-down on costumes:

Naturally Doug had to be a Sugar Daddy - he's a good sport.  I snagged this remnant of yellow fabric at Wal-Mart on Saturday along with red felt.  It was just a matter of cutting out the necessary shapes/words and using fusible webbing to quickly iron it on (think, 4:30 Monday afternoon).  For me, Jelly Belly was the perfect way to laugh at myself.  Also last minute, I stitched up some pieces of clear vinyl on Monday afternoon and the boys blew up small balloons to fill up my costume.  (I did drop many during our walk through the neighborhood - I could improve the construction).

Construction-wise, Andrew's probably turned out the best.  I carefully enlarged a Snickers logo, cut out the letters in fabric and fused it to some plain white fabric.  I made a border with red and fused it to a brown pillowcase.  I plan to restitch the seams so it can be used on his bed.

Here's a great example of free!  Stephen's no-cost costume is big on creativity - Doug freehanded the logo, I painted it by moonlight, and Stephen added the final touches to the back.

Simplicity at it's best.  We chose felt based on an existing shirt, and then made a small round pillow with a simple enlarged logo on the front.  This will also live on his bed.

Jonathan wore the twin pillowcase to Andrew's with simple enlarged and fused letters.  It's shiny and fun, and I will stitch it back so he can continue to use it.

Josie received the biggest blessing from our day at home.  I had planned to make simple painted cardboard circles, but I really thought a sphere would make a more authentic Tootsie Pop for our Toootsie.  So we embarked on "one-day-paper-mache."  It was a very warm day with a brisk breeze that quickly dried our layers of newspaper and flour glue.  I gave it a couple of coats of purple spray paint, and when it was dry, I added the white logo.  It was perfect!

And then there was The Kiss.

I just wanted to squeal everytime I looked at her - she was just so cute!  This simple costume was made of another remnant of fabric (sides stitched with a hole left for the arms, simple gathered neck with elastic; I didn't bother to hem the bottom).  I then made a simple paper cone and covered it with leftovers from Jonathan's costume and added a paper "Kisses" from the end and taped it all to a glittery, silver headband.

Cost of supplies: $25.98
The joy of friendly competition: Priceless!

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