Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Marriage on Her Mind

Josie came into the kitchen and announced that she was getting married.  When I asked to whom, she replied, "A boy who lives across the street...and down an alley.  His name is Dirt King because he likes to play in the dirt."  

The alley Kat with the bride
A few years ago a friend explained her marriage talk: "You will meet someone who loves Jesus and fall in love.  And he will ask Dad if he can marry you.  And if Dad says 'Yes,' then he will ask you and you will get married."  The little routine has come in handy on more than one occasion, but it doesn't always satisfy all the questions.  "But what do I say?"  I explained that if you want to get married, you say "Yes" but if you don't, just say "No."  Josie thought about it for a minute and then replied, "Well, I hope he doesn't have a big belly.  Some mens have big bellies and I don't want to marry someone who has a big belly."

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