True to form, I took on one (or two) too many projects and party plans were pushed to the last minute. But with the help of my parents, we pulled off a party to please the birthday girl.
Activities were planned (Pin-the-Cloud-on-the-Rainbow, ball toss, etc.) but mostly the girls used their imagination to make up their own games.
And the highlight, of course, was the food: a smorgasbord of rainbow delights!
Doug tried to dissuade me from making rainbow jello, but there was no stopping - it was a must - and also rainbow-colored Goldfish and fruit skewers.
After staying up until almost 1 am the morning of the party, I was dissatisfied with the birthday cake and launched into Plans B & C with the sunrise. I'm so glad I did!
Sadly I had no pretty cupcake liners (why didn't I pick up the cute ones I saw on clearance the day before?), but the tops were what mattered. Hands down, using candy is the easiest way to decorate cakes - from bland or beautiful in the wink of an eye!
It was so fun to celebrate this girl's special day!
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