Thursday, October 30, 2014

Getaway, Part One

"I can think clearly now, the kids are gone."

A few months ago Doug came home and announced he had to go to DC for some classes.

Julie: "Ooh, are you going to take me." 
Doug:  "Well, I'll be busy all day Friday and Saturday so you'd be alone."
Julie:  "And?"
Doug:  "You wouldn't mind?"
Julie: incredulous stare

In the end, my dear mother was willing to come and sit; tickets were bought; we kissed our birthday boy and flew into the wild blue yonder.  Less than two hours later, we were in DC.

I was the crazy woman taking pictures on the tarmac, out the window of the plane, inside the plane, and anything else mechanically relate so that I could show "the boys." 

I found myself seeing the city through their eyes.

Seems like I can easily leave, but I can't get them off my mind.

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