Saturday, May 31, 2014

When Life Hands You Lemons

If I were forced to give up every fruit in the world but one I would have absolutely no trouble choosing.  The lemon wins, hands down.
The lemon is the workhorse of the food world: dependable, versatile, and available all year round.  You can preserve it in salt, as the Moroccans do, and stuff your chicken with it, or you can stick it into a suet crust surrounded by butter, as the British do.  You can dice it up and put it into a salad with red onion and Italian parsley.  You can make lemon cookies, lemon cake, lemon icing, lemonade (hot or cold), lemon flip, and lemon rice pudding. 
"Lemons and Limes"  More Home Cooking by Laurie Colwin

While I'm more a fan of limes, lemons were in the fridge and just called out to be made into Coconut Lime Bars.

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