Friday, April 27, 2012

Pass-along Plants

One of the greatest joys of gardening is creating a tapestry of memories,

an ecological patchwork of beloved plants shared by special people,

a growing scrapbook honoring those who enrich our lives in so many ways...

this one is for you, Meg!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Welcome to Adulthood

Lately I've been longing for those carefree days of youth,

the ones where there is nothing you have to do but make your bed and show up for dinner,

when the hardest decision is whether to play A or B.

Eventually you have to grow up; adulthood is inevitable.

And with it comes taxes, bills, and broken appliances.

So I'm taking a break while our CPU gets a little TLC so I can start researching washing machines 'cause this household CAN'T function without one!!!