Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Birds & the Bees....and Butterflies

I took all the kids to the aquarium this morning for a fun adventure.  We all love the butterfly exhibit and there's always a fuss over who gets to hold one.  I happened upon a unique site - a siamese butterfly.  We oohed and aahed over it until it was time to move on.  When I mentioned to a docent about finding the two butterflies attached end to end, he explained that they were mating.


Andrew said, "I read a book about butterflies but it didn't say anything about that."

Stephen said, "It's a shame that humans don't do that."

I am not ready for this.

1 comment:

  1. THAT IS ONE FOR THE BOOKS. I might wait til my kids are older and pretend it was me who overheard that. THAT is a good story.
