Sunday, October 28, 2012

31 Days

Throughout the blogosphere this month, there has been a series of "31 Days."

I've especially enjoyed 31 Days to a Heart of Hospitality, including this quote from day 3:

"Hospitality has roots in the ancient world, where caring for strangers was a matter of life and death....Our modern conveniences have tricked us into thinking we can do this alone.  But the deep ache in our hearts tells us another story."

And then there is 31 Days to Crazy Joy.  Convicting and Encouraging all in one.

It's no coincidence that all this occurred during our own 31 Days of Illness.

It's a slight exaggeration though 2 full weeks of a stomach bug feels a lot like 31 days, and it looks like we'll end the month with a house of colds.

But there have also been many sweet times.  With family.  With neighbors.  With dear friends and their steam cleaners.  With the kids outdoors.  With fellow moms.  And a few moments with my husband.

1 comment:

  1. Uggh! that is no fun. Hope ya'll are all feeling better soon. I can't believe how big Josie looks in these pictures.
