Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Scrapquilt

I've eyed this pattern for a few years now, long before chevrons were chic.  Assembled from a collection of scraps, it has come to reflect a lot about how I feel these days.

The cool relaxation of a seersucker stripes, basking in the days of carefree play. 

 The teacher needing to make plans, assemble supplies, and cram young brains full of knowledge.

The busyness of juggling roles of wife & mother, daughter, sister, friend. 
Times when "good enough" is all you can do.

The list of things left undone.

The swirl of creativity needing an outlet. 

 All repeating, recurring, zigzagging.  Day followed by day followed by day.

 Some transitions are peaceful and smooth.

 Others bear signs of brokenness and repair.  Far too many to be labeled "perfect."

But a quilt is a sum of the total parts, and this I know to be true: 

 together it is lovely.

1 comment:

  1. That is gorgeous! Absolutely stunning. Obviously, I love the cool colors, but it's perfect with the brown edging. Well done, Julie!

    this line that you wrote is equally as gorgeous: The swirl of creativity needing an outlet.
