Monday, May 7, 2012

Green Smoothies

When a friend first told me about green smoothies a few years ago, I was skeptical to say the least.  I pictured myself slurping cold, slimy spinach leaves through a straw.  Yuck!

But somewhere along the way I changed my tune, decided to grow a spine and try it. 

Try it; you might like it! 

And lo, and behold, I did. 

I do. 

They are really good, and you can't even taste the spinach. 

I promise. 

In addition to all the vitamins and healthy stuff, it's just plain pretty going into the blender (especially when chubby baby fingers are sampling).  The finished product, however, can take on some unusual and less attractive hues depending on the green-to-red-purple-blue ratio.  I won't repeat some of my husband's comments on the subject.

Grab some greens and give them a whirl - you may discover you like it, too.

Green Smoothies
Following in my mother's footsteps, I use no real recipe.
I toss in some or all of the following, depending on what's in stock:

yogurt (plain, vanilla, Greek, whatever)
flax seed (whole or ground)
a handful of ice cubes
a couple of handfuls of spinach
frozen orange juice concentrate
sunflower butter

Process in blender until it reaches the right consistency.

Leftovers can be frozen in ice cube trays and reblended when needed.

1 comment:

  1. at first glance, i thought the frozen cubes in the first picture were processed ham cubes. I was all like "what the hell?"

    then I came to my senses and realized that no cook, no matter how adventurous, would put ham in a smoothie.
