Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

Presenting my sons:

Dale Jr.,

Dale Jr.,

Dale Jr.,

and Dale Jr.

(I feel like we're straight off Newhart or have been inspired by George Forman). 

But I'm sure it comes as no surprise that at least the eldest of the crew wanted to be a race car driver, and as is usually the case, he sets the example for the younger siblings.  Andrew really wanted to be Jeff Gordon, but when I located these clearance getups at for only $4.99/each (not bad considering the suit was well-made and came with a hat and bag), I told them they would have to settle for Dale Jr.  Everyone was thrilled!

Can you guess what Josie is?

A Smore!

Yes, at 3 pm on October 31, I was frantically sewing her costume....all for a trip across the street to visit a neighbor.  After that, she and Doug passed out candy.

Andrew made it to two houses before he was overcome by a headache.  I took the rest down our street while the others manned our porch.  Stephen was intent on completely filling his bag, but as darkness set in, we were all ready to head home.

I really thought Andrew was just wanting to play with a new car a neighbor gave him, but upon our return, he turned down Stephen's offer of M&Ms.  He has since recovered and is making up for lost candy-eating-time.

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