Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Blooming Up"

Back in the spring Matthew laid claim to some cosmos seeds we received in the mail.  He begged and begged to plant them, and finally in late May he and Doug put them in the flower bed.  Within weeks he had flowers.

One morning Matthew ran to the window and looked out: 
"They're bloomin' up!  My flowers are bloomin' up!"

Unbeknownst to him, Nana had come along and planted some zinnia seedlings in the exact same spot.

"And his fib fooled the child."

Nevertheless, he and I are both thrilled with the bright pops of color, like confetti for your yard.

Matthew gets the thrill of using scissors; I get eye-candy for my kitchen.

Yes, mother, you were right.
(Just like back in my high school days when you told me to watch t.v. (gasp!) because you thought I'd enjoy Remington Steele.)

She's hounded me for years to plant these drought-loving, prolific bloomers.

These will definitely make the "ust-plant" list.

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