Friday, March 1, 2013


I realized today that this girl is 21 months old - yep, she's marching on to 2!
She's a funny little thing: barely on the charts for both weight and height but more than brimming with self-confidence.
Her bunny "Buppy" is her best friend though Blowout Baby (so named for an unfortunate stain on it's bottom) will sometimes do in a pinch.
She is extremely generous with kisses and hugs even with one less-than-loving brother.
She a perfectly at home rough-housing with the boys and quietly sitting with toys.
She's been missing the outdoors terribly since it's way too cold and muddy for mom to be outside.
She's our sweet Tootsie Pop!


  1. Well look at there! That's not thrifted! Is that a NEW outfit? Fern has that same Gap chambray one piece. So hot right now!!! (Thank you Christmas gift card!)

    1. It was a gift - I'm still too cheap to shop there!
