Saturday, February 23, 2013

One Step Closer

When the boys and I noticed the Estate Sale sign yesterday, I never dreamed we'd find this.

I considered it's darling spindles.  I reflected on the shortage of beds in our house (considering one child is currently sleeping in the floor of a closet).  I knew it would be great for a certain little girl.

I haggled over the price; it seemed high; I drove off.  But uncertainty was in my mind.  I finally declared that if I returned after all my errands and it was still there, it was a sign.  This reasoning was confirmed by my mother.

And low, and behold, it was there.  And it turns out I know the owner.  And she was so excited to know our little girl would be sleeping there.  It was meant to be.p

One question still remains: to paint or not to paint?  What do you think?